About Kate


Oh boy, was it a journey to get here…

As many career changes go (especially in the Holistic Health industry), they are often the result of personal experience, struggle, healing and evolving.

For me, it was 3 years of desperation to feel good again after my world was rocked to its core - the outcome of that, lead me down the path of chronic stress (and all its associated physical health problems), anxiety, depression, insomnia and PTSD.

In the process, I also learnt that I had been experiencing chronic stress for a lot of my life. The trauma, was the tipping point.

I knew I didn’t feel ok and I wasn’t well, so I kept putting the pieces of my health puzzle together.

With the help of skilled practitioners across the holistic health industry, countless hours of research, courses, reading and going back to study, I conquered my health - emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally. And gosh does it feel good now.

It made sense to me that I’d been through and learnt too much to keep all that incredible knowledge to myself - knowing what it’s like to suffer from and attempt to manage stress.

And managing is the key, because life is constantly moving, changing and throwing us curve balls. From what I can see, the only way to avoid that completely, is to become a Buddhist monk who meditates in a cave all day (which some days, is seriously tempting!).

I’ve learnt that how we react to and handle stress is up to us. It’s an inside job. And it’s achievable, no matter the circumstances. Regular meditation and stress management tools were the final piece of the puzzle for me, and lifelong skills that I’m so humbled to share with others.

I am deeply passionate about helping and supporting others to live their best lives so they too, can feel well again. Because if you have your health and a calm mind, you have everything you need to live a joyful, fulfilling future.

In health, harmony and happiness,

Kate xo



  • Meditation Teaching & Holistic Human Development

  • Prenatal Meditation

  • Holistic Wellness Coaching

  • Food and Nutrition Coaching

  • Chair Yoga Instruction